Friday, October 27, 2006

Departure Set

I'm well on my way through 10 days of travel and training. I have been learning a lot about development, adaptation, HIV/AIDS, living in Accra, and WAAF. The most valuable part of this experience so far has been all the people I met. They all have amazing stories to tell and will be useful references while I'm abroad. Today I got to the point where the excitement outweighs the stress. Yay!

I finally got my flight details. I am leaving at 6pm on Wednesday -- I feel like I have another lifetime (or 2 days) in Toronto. So now I can see my friends/family and maybe even be ready to leave on Wednesday.

Part of my internship involved fundraising for CCI. I was amazed and heart warmed by the generous response from family and friends. Thank you all for your contributions.

However, I have another request. It has come to my attention that there is a limited supply of computers at WAAF. Here is my proposal: I get an old laptop computer from someone here who no longer needs it. I use it at work and home for the 5 months I'm in Accra. When I'm due to return I leave it with the fine folks in the office at WAAF. Please send me an email if you are interested.

In other news, I made this turkey out of veggie pate for thanksgiving. Bask in the glory of my sculpting powers.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Countdown Begins ...

Thank you for the warm welcome to the blogging world. I will do my best to update with stories of my adventures in Ghana.

Quick Backgrounder:

Although Vancouver has been very good to me, I'm leaving (for now). I'm going to work with the West Africa AIDS Foundation as an Accounting Trainer for 5 months. I am being sent by Canadian Crossroads International and sponsored by NetCorps. The position requires that I work on the organizations financial management systems (I don't know quite when I became a techie) and help a women's support group with income-generating activities. I'm staying with a host family in Accra (the capital).

Me at the top of The Chief.Why am I leaving this place?


Oct 18 - 22:
Training, Orford, Quebec

Oct 23 - 27:
More Training, London, Ontario

Oct 28 - 30:
Fun & Even More Training, Toronto, Ontario

Oct 31:

Come back and visit soon!