Friday, October 27, 2006

Departure Set

I'm well on my way through 10 days of travel and training. I have been learning a lot about development, adaptation, HIV/AIDS, living in Accra, and WAAF. The most valuable part of this experience so far has been all the people I met. They all have amazing stories to tell and will be useful references while I'm abroad. Today I got to the point where the excitement outweighs the stress. Yay!

I finally got my flight details. I am leaving at 6pm on Wednesday -- I feel like I have another lifetime (or 2 days) in Toronto. So now I can see my friends/family and maybe even be ready to leave on Wednesday.

Part of my internship involved fundraising for CCI. I was amazed and heart warmed by the generous response from family and friends. Thank you all for your contributions.

However, I have another request. It has come to my attention that there is a limited supply of computers at WAAF. Here is my proposal: I get an old laptop computer from someone here who no longer needs it. I use it at work and home for the 5 months I'm in Accra. When I'm due to return I leave it with the fine folks in the office at WAAF. Please send me an email if you are interested.

In other news, I made this turkey out of veggie pate for thanksgiving. Bask in the glory of my sculpting powers.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I'm glad to hear you have a flight booked. Any word yet on if you have a host family?

Sorry, I can't help with the laptop. Hopefully you find someone with an old beater lying around.

Your veggie turkey is amazing.